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Division of Life Science Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Central Office of Administration
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Physics
Quantum bit - The basic unit of quantum information ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Physics
Observe black holes and our Universe via gravitational waves ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Physics
The physics of life: How much can we calculate? ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Physics
A Century of Relativity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes and Interstellar ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Earth Sciences
Introduction to Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Statistical Science
Big data analytics for SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences Age 15 and above
10/30 09:00-10/30 09:30
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Listening to the Confessions Made by Bacteria via Nanotechnology ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Astronomy and
ASIAA Lab Tour Age 15 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Poster Exhibition of ASIAA Projects Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Astronomy and
ASIAA Quarterly on Web Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Astronomy and
One Day of An Astronomer Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Daily Work for Astronomical Engineers Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Drops of Ink Turning into A World Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Research Center for Environmental
How scientists apply satellite to detect air pollution and observe the change of weather? Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Research Center for Information Technology
Introduction to Code-based Cryptography Adults
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Research Center for Information Technology
In-Memory Computing Enabled by Emerging Memory Technologies Age 15 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Research Center for Information Technology
Face Synthesis and Morphing ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Research Center for Information Technology
Guess Voice Age 6 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Plant and Microbial
Getting vaccinated? How do plants achieve immunity? ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Plant and Microbial
Little experiments lead to grand discoveries ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Cellular and Organismic
What Can We Learn from Cell and Animal Models? Age 15 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
What is Plasma Cell, the Antibody Factory in Our Body? Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
Repurposing Existing Medicines as Anti-COVID-19 Virus Agents – Interviewing Academician Chi-Huey Wong Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
Elucidating the Role of TDP-43 in Alzheimer’s Disease ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
Scientific Fortune Telling: Predicting Risk of Liver Cancer for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
Making the Right Tools for Tough Jobs – How to Build a Scientific Instrument Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
Silent killer of Digestive Diseases – Pancreatic Cancer Age 15 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
The New World-Changing Cryo-Electron Microscopes Age 15 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
The Force Awakens: Reviving the Near Death Via Experimental Evolution Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Genomics Research Center
What NMR Can Help? -Discover the Secret of Molecules- Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Biodiversity Research Center
When we gather together to listen ocean sounds ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Biomedical Translation Research Center
【Popular Science Forum Video】Frontier Research as Strong Shield to Fight against COVID-19 Epidemic Age 15 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of History and Philology
The Efforts and Successes of Digitalizing Collections at the IHP: An Online Exhibition Age 6 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Ethnology
Strolling among Aborigine Tribes: Taiwan's Indigenous Society and Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Ethnology
Short Documentary on the Collaborative Exhibition with Kaviyangan ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Ethnology
Curator's Pick: New Displays in the Indigenous Cultures Gallery ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Chinese Literature and
Tune in Humanities on the Air ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Chinese Literature and
The Lives of Books Old and New ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Chinese Literature and
Ye Dehui’s collections: A Knowledge Map of the Late Qing Early Republic Chinese Intellectuals ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Institute of Taiwan History
Speak to Public- From Shinmin Association to Taiwan Shinminpo ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Research Center for Humanities and Social
Welcome to SRDA School Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Academia Sinica Center for Digital
Digital Humanities Research Projects Online exhibition @ Gather Town ALL
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Museum of the Institute of History and
Great Conqueror: Chief Commander Pomaofu of the Western Chou Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Museum of the Institute of History and
Challenge from the Open Lectures Age 12 and above
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00
Department of Intellectual Property and
Technology Transfer
The Little Inventor-R&D Big Challenge Age 12 and above
10/30 09:30-10/30 10:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Lab tour : 2D materials synthesis and application Age 6 and above
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:00
Institute of Earth Sciences
Origin of Grand Canyon - How Mantle Convection Affects Sealevel Change Age 12 and above
10/30 10:00-10/30 10:30
Institute of Information Science
Perspectives on Music AI Age 12 and above
10/30 10:00-10/30 10:30
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Lab tour : nanoscale device physics lab Age 6 and above
10/30 10:00-10/30 12:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Ask the Astronomers- Dr. Ken Chen x Po-Sheng Ou Age 15 and above
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:00
Research Center for Environmental
"Wind & Sea":Popular Science Lecture (and Q&A) Age 12 and above
10/30 10:00-11/07 16:00
Research Center for Information Technology
Disinformation Firewall Powered by Machine Learning for a Safer Online Environment ALL
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:00
Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Antibodies, key players for protecting our health Age 12 and above
10/30 10:00-11/07 16:00
Biodiversity Research Center
Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF) & Open data sharing Age 15 and above
10/30 10:00-10/30 12:00
Biodiversity Research Center
Digital Exhibitions of Biodiversity Research Museum during the Pandemic ALL
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:30
Institute of Economics
Popular Science Lectures:How to move from a net-positive carbon economy to a net-negative carbon economy in Taiwan? Age 15 and above
10/30 10:00-10/30 15:00
Institutum Iurisprudentiae
英文活動名稱*: Seminar: COVID-19 Pandemic: Policies and Legal Issues Age 15 and above
10/30 10:30-10/30 11:30
Institute of Physics
What Physical Scientists can do for Biology, Pandemics, and Biomedical Field? ALL
10/30 10:30-10/30 11:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Lab tour : ultrafast surface science ALL
10/30 10:30-10/30 11:30
Institute of Biological Chemistry
OverviewOverview of current COVID-19 drug research of current COVID-19 drug research Age 15 and above
10/30 10:30-10/30 12:00
Secretariat/Academia Sinica Center for
Digital Cultures
The 2021 Academia Sinica Open House Keynote Speeches: Reflections on COVID-19-Humanities Age 12 and above
10/30 11:00-10/30 11:30
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
A New Doping method of 2D materials Age 6 and above
10/30 11:20-10/30 11:50
Institute of Information Science
The Challenge of Fake News in the Era of AI ALL
10/30 11:30-10/30 12:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Interactive Poster exhibition : advanced materials @Gather Town Age 12 and above
10/30 12:00-10/30 12:30
Institute of Information Science
Yolov4 and Its impact Age 12 and above
10/30 13:00-10/30 13:45
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Measure the thickness of a soap film down to a few nanometers by optical interference Age 12 and above
10/30 13:00-10/30 14:00
Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Does the brain-inspired deep learning help us learn the brain?—A neurophysiological perspective Age 12 and above
10/30 13:45-10/30 14:10
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Photoacoustic spectroscopy for molecular identification Age 12 and above
10/30 14:00-10/30 15:00
Research Center for Environmental
Parley with Carbon: Nothing to worry ALL
10/30 14:00-10/30 16:00
Academia Sinica Center for Digital
Open Museum Know-How Workshop Age 12 and above
10/30 14:00-10/30 15:00
Museum of the Institute of History and
The King Demands Hot Water Age 15 and above
10/30 14:00-10/30 15:00
Department of International Affairs
Online Introduction: Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP)-1 Age 15 and above
10/30 14:10-10/30 14:35
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Can computers can tell us what the molecules are saying? Age 12 and above
10/30 14:30-10/30 16:00
Institute of Sociology
Earth Ox Border: Quarantine and Revolt in Qing Taiwan Age 15 and above
10/30 14:35-10/30 15:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Can we know molecular structure from molecular weight? Age 12 and above
10/30 15:00-10/30 16:00
Institute of Physics
Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre, ASGC Age 12 and above
10/30 15:00-10/30 15:25
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Wanted molecule, freeze! I will catch you by using your weight and fingerprint Age 12 and above
10/30 15:00-10/30 16:00
Center for Sustainability Science
Future Earth Program - TOMORROWLAND after NEXT INCEPTION Age 15 and above
10/30 15:30-10/30 16:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Interactive poster presentations of research in IAMS via Gathertown Age 12 and above
10/30 16:00-10/30 17:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Ask the Astronomers - Dr. Richard Chou Age 15 and above
10/30 20:00-10/30 21:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Ask the Astronomers- Lapo Fanciullo (Is interstellar space really empty?) x Miikka Vaisala (Winds of the Milky Way) Age 15 and above
10/31 10:00-10/31 10:40
Museum of the Institute of History and
Open the King’s Arsenal Age 6 and above
10/31 11:00-10/31 12:00
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Drug design for the SARS-CoV-2 viral protease and enzymes Age 15 and above
10/31 14:00-10/31 14:45
Institute of Ethnology
LIVE Curator's Tour: Tasting Tea with Anthropologists ALL
10/31 14:00-10/31 17:30
Department of International Affairs
Rethinking - Learning from the Nature ALL
10/31 14:30-10/31 16:10
Institute of Sociology
Civil Society and Education – Sociologists VS. High School Teachers Age 15 and above
10/31 14:30-10/31 16:00
Institute of Sociology
The Mysterious Social Code That May Surprise You! Age 15 and above
11/06 09:00-11/06 10:00
Institute of Physics
Laser Spectroscopy Lab (Dr. Kung-Hsuan Lin) Age 12 and above
11/06 09:00-11/06 09:50
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Guided tour of high field laser laboratory Age 12 and above
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Quantum Wonderland Age 12 and above
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00
Research Center for Environmental
"Wind & Sea" :Popular Science Lecture (and Q&A) Age 12 and above
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Structure-based design of anti-coronavirus drugs ALL
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00
Institute of History and Philology
The World of the Late Shang Dynasty: Yinxu, Neighboring Peoples and Mutual Networks Age 15 and above
11/06 10:00-11/06 12:00
Institute of Political Science
Strategic Voting Revisited: The Case of the 2018 Taipei City Mayoral Election Age 15 and above
11/06 10:10-11/06 12:00
Research Center for Information Technology
CFDA in TREC CAsT: Research on Conversational Search Systems Age 12 and above
11/06 10:30-11/06 11:30
Institute of Physics
Quantum Electronics Lab (Dr. Chii-Dong Chen) Age 12 and above
11/06 10:30-11/06 12:00
Secretariat/Academia Sinica Center for
Digital Cultures
The 2021 Academia Sinica Open House Keynote Speeches: Reflections on COVID-19-Sociology Age 12 and above
11/06 11:00-11/06 11:30
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Quantum entanglement and teleportation Age 12 and above
11/06 11:30-11/06 12:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Poster session of the atomic physics and optical science group Age 12 and above
11/06 13:00-11/06 14:00
Institute of Physics
Surface and NanoScience Lab (Dr. Chia-Seng Chang ) Age 12 and above
11/06 13:00-11/06 14:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Talk to the researchers – poster presentation of the achievements of bio-analytical technology @Gather town Age 12 and above
11/06 14:00-11/06 14:30
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Instrument Development of QMIA - Quantitative Mobile Immunoassay reader Age 12 and above
11/06 14:30-11/06 15:30
Institute of Physics
Soft Materials Structure and Rheology Laboratory (SMSR Lab) (Dr. Jung-Ren Huang) Age 12 and above
11/06 14:30-11/06 15:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Deep tissue imaging – Short-wave infrared imaging techniques Age 12 and above
11/06 15:00-11/06 15:30
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
The fluorescence cell images and Ct value after COVID-19 infection Age 12 and above
11/06 15:30-11/06 16:00
Institute of Atomic and Molecular
Detection of cancer cells by fluorescent small molecules – a new technology for cancer diagnosis Age 12 and above
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00
Institute of Earth Sciences
Deep Ocean Circulation, Climate Change & Carbon Cycle Age 12 and above
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Ask the Astronomers - Drs. Kai-Yang Lin & Min-Kai Lin Age 15 and above
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Structure-based design of anti-coronavirus drugs ALL
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00
Department of International Affairs
Online Introduction: Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP)-2 Age 15 and above
11/07 14:00-11/07 14:40
Museum of the Institute of History and
Open the King’s Arsenal Age 6 and above
11/07 16:00-11/07 17:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Ask the Astronomers - Drs. Hsi-Wei Yen & Jia-Wei Wang Age 15 and above
11/07 20:00-11/07 21:00
Institute of Astronomy and
Ask the Astronomer - Exomoons! by Dr. Alex Teachey Age 15 and above
Time | Location | Activities Category | Activity | Organizer | Target Audience |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | IOP Video recommended series | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Can our eyes see the future? | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Quantum bit - The basic unit of quantum information | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | IOP Video recommended series | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | IOP Video recommended series | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Observe black holes and our Universe via gravitational waves | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | The physics of life: How much can we calculate? | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-10/30 10:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Towards a Quantum Computer | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | IOP Video recommended series | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | A Century of Relativity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes and Interstellar | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Introduction to Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica | Institute of Earth Sciences | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Big data analytics for SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences | Institute of Statistical Science | Age 15 and above |
10/30 09:00-10/30 09:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Listening to the Confessions Made by Bacteria via Nanotechnology | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Open House Visit | ASIAA Lab Tour | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 15 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Poster Exhibition of ASIAA Projects | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | ASIAA Quarterly on Web | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | One Day of An Astronomer | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Daily Work for Astronomical Engineers | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Drops of Ink Turning into A World | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | How scientists apply satellite to detect air pollution and observe the change of weather? | Research Center for Environmental Changes | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Too hot not to handle? | Research Center for Environmental Changes | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Introduction to Code-based Cryptography | Research Center for Information Technology Innovation | Adults |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | In-Memory Computing Enabled by Emerging Memory Technologies | Research Center for Information Technology Innovation | Age 15 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Face Synthesis and Morphing | Research Center for Information Technology Innovation | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Guess Voice | Research Center for Information Technology Innovation | Age 6 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Getting vaccinated? How do plants achieve immunity? | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Tissue culture, decrypted | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Unboxing a laboratory | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Little experiments lead to grand discoveries | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | What Can We Learn from Cell and Animal Models? | Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology | Age 15 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | What is Plasma Cell, the Antibody Factory in Our Body? | Genomics Research Center | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Repurposing Existing Medicines as Anti-COVID-19 Virus Agents – Interviewing Academician Chi-Huey Wong | Genomics Research Center | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Elucidating the Role of TDP-43 in Alzheimer’s Disease | Genomics Research Center | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Scientific Fortune Telling: Predicting Risk of Liver Cancer for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B | Genomics Research Center | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Making the Right Tools for Tough Jobs – How to Build a Scientific Instrument | Genomics Research Center | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Silent killer of Digestive Diseases – Pancreatic Cancer | Genomics Research Center | Age 15 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | The New World-Changing Cryo-Electron Microscopes | Genomics Research Center | Age 15 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | The Force Awakens: Reviving the Near Death Via Experimental Evolution | Genomics Research Center | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | What NMR Can Help? -Discover the Secret of Molecules- | Genomics Research Center | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | When we gather together to listen ocean sounds | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | 【Popular Science Forum Video】Frontier Research as Strong Shield to Fight against COVID-19 Epidemic | Biomedical Translation Research Center (BioTReC) | Age 15 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | A Guide of City Birds | Life Science Library | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | The Efforts and Successes of Digitalizing Collections at the IHP: An Online Exhibition | Institute of History and Philology | Age 6 and above |
10/30 09:00-10/31 15:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | Quiz of the Week: MIOE's Online Exhibitions | Institute of Ethnology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Strolling among Aborigine Tribes: Taiwan's Indigenous Society and Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica | Institute of Ethnology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Short Documentary on the Collaborative Exhibition with Kaviyangan | Institute of Ethnology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Curator's Pick: New Displays in the Indigenous Cultures Gallery | Institute of Ethnology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | The Interns Go "MIOE”: Final Episode | Institute of Ethnology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Tune in Humanities on the Air | Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | The Lives of Books Old and New | Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Ye Dehui’s collections: A Knowledge Map of the Late Qing Early Republic Chinese Intellectuals | Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Speak to Public- From Shinmin Association to Taiwan Shinminpo | Institute of Taiwan History | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Welcome to SRDA School | Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Digital Humanities Research Projects Online exhibition @ Gather Town | Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Gather! | Museum of the Institute of History and Philology | ALL |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Great Conqueror: Chief Commander Pomaofu of the Western Chou | Museum of the Institute of History and Philology | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Challenge from the Open Lectures | Museum of the Institute of History and Philology | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | The Little Inventor-R&D Big Challenge | Department of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer | Age 12 and above |
10/30 09:30-10/30 10:00 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Lab tour : 2D materials synthesis and application | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 6 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | 從化學新方法解析肺癌 | Institute of Chemistry | Age 12 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Origin of Grand Canyon - How Mantle Convection Affects Sealevel Change | Institute of Earth Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 10:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Perspectives on Music AI | Institute of Information Science | Age 12 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 10:30 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Lab tour : nanoscale device physics lab | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 6 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 12:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | Ask the Astronomers- Dr. Ken Chen x Po-Sheng Ou | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 15 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | "Wind & Sea":Popular Science Lecture (and Q&A) | Research Center for Environmental Changes | Age 12 and above |
10/30 10:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Disinformation Firewall Powered by Machine Learning for a Safer Online Environment | Research Center for Information Technology Innovation | ALL |
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Meet the Scientists | Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology | ALL |
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Antibodies, key players for protecting our health | Institute of Biomedical Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 10:00-11/07 16:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF) & Open data sharing | Biodiversity Research Center | Age 15 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Digital Exhibitions of Biodiversity Research Museum during the Pandemic | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
10/30 10:00-10/30 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Climate Change and Biodiversity Forum | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
10/30 10:00-10/30 11:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Popular Science Lectures:How to move from a net-positive carbon economy to a net-negative carbon economy in Taiwan? | Institute of Economics | Age 15 and above |
10/30 10:00-10/30 15:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | 英文活動名稱*: Seminar: COVID-19 Pandemic: Policies and Legal Issues | Institutum Iurisprudentiae | Age 15 and above |
10/30 10:30-10/30 11:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | What Physical Scientists can do for Biology, Pandemics, and Biomedical Field? | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 10:30-10/30 11:00 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Lab tour : ultrafast surface science | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | ALL |
10/30 10:30-10/30 11:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | OverviewOverview of current COVID-19 drug research of current COVID-19 drug research | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Age 15 and above |
10/30 10:30-10/30 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The 2021 Academia Sinica Open House Keynote Speeches: Reflections on COVID-19-Humanities | Secretariat | Age 12 and above |
10/30 10:40-10/30 11:10 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Post-Quantum Cryptography | Institute of Information Science | ALL |
10/30 11:00-10/30 11:30 | Watch online | Open House Visit | A New Doping method of 2D materials | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 6 and above |
10/30 11:20-10/30 11:50 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The Challenge of Fake News in the Era of AI | Institute of Information Science | ALL |
10/30 11:30-10/30 12:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Interactive Poster exhibition : advanced materials @Gather Town | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 12:00-10/30 12:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Yolov4 and Its impact | Institute of Information Science | Age 12 and above |
10/30 13:00-10/30 13:45 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Measure the thickness of a soap film down to a few nanometers by optical interference | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 13:00-10/30 14:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Does the brain-inspired deep learning help us learn the brain?—A neurophysiological perspective | Institute of Biomedical Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 13:30-10/30 14:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The World of Antimatter | Institute of Physics | ALL |
10/30 13:45-10/30 14:10 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | Photoacoustic spectroscopy for molecular identification | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 14:00-10/30 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | AI在化學上的應用 | Institute of Chemistry | Age 12 and above |
10/30 14:00-10/30 15:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Parley with Carbon: Nothing to worry | Research Center for Environmental Changes | ALL |
10/30 14:00-10/30 15:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Popular Science Lectures | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology | ALL |
10/30 14:00-10/30 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Open Museum Know-How Workshop | Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures | Age 12 and above |
10/30 14:00-10/30 15:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The King Demands Hot Water | Museum of the Institute of History and Philology | Age 15 and above |
10/30 14:00-10/30 15:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Online Introduction: Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP)-1 | Department of International Affairs | Age 15 and above |
10/30 14:10-10/30 14:35 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Can computers can tell us what the molecules are saying? | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 14:30-10/30 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Earth Ox Border: Quarantine and Revolt in Qing Taiwan | Institute of Sociology | Age 15 and above |
10/30 14:35-10/30 15:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Can we know molecular structure from molecular weight? | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 15:00-10/30 16:00 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre, ASGC | Institute of Physics | Age 12 and above |
10/30 15:00-10/30 15:25 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Wanted molecule, freeze! I will catch you by using your weight and fingerprint | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 15:00-10/30 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Future Earth Program - TOMORROWLAND after NEXT INCEPTION | Center for Sustainability Science | Age 15 and above |
10/30 15:30-10/30 16:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Interactive poster presentations of research in IAMS via Gathertown | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
10/30 16:00-10/30 17:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | Ask the Astronomers - Dr. Richard Chou | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 15 and above |
10/30 20:00-10/30 21:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | Ask the Astronomers- Lapo Fanciullo (Is interstellar space really empty?) x Miikka Vaisala (Winds of the Milky Way) | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 15 and above |
10/31 10:00-10/31 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Climate Change and Biodiversity Forum | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
10/31 10:00-10/31 10:40 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Open the King’s Arsenal | Museum of the Institute of History and Philology | Age 6 and above |
10/31 11:00-10/31 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Drug design for the SARS-CoV-2 viral protease and enzymes | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Age 15 and above |
10/31 14:00-10/31 14:45 | Watch online | Open House Visit | LIVE Curator's Tour: Tasting Tea with Anthropologists | Institute of Ethnology | ALL |
10/31 14:00-10/31 17:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Rethinking - Learning from the Nature | Department of International Affairs | ALL |
10/31 14:30-10/31 16:30 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Climate Change and Biodiversity Forum | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
10/31 14:30-10/31 16:10 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Civil Society and Education – Sociologists VS. High School Teachers | Institute of Sociology | Age 15 and above |
10/31 14:30-10/31 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The Mysterious Social Code That May Surprise You! | Institute of Sociology | Age 15 and above |
11/06 09:00-11/06 10:00 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Laser Spectroscopy Lab (Dr. Kung-Hsuan Lin) | Institute of Physics | Age 12 and above |
11/06 09:00-11/06 09:50 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Guided tour of high field laser laboratory | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 10:00-11/06 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | 疫情下高分子材料的應用 | Institute of Chemistry | Age 12 and above |
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Quantum Wonderland | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | "Wind & Sea" :Popular Science Lecture (and Q&A) | Research Center for Environmental Changes | Age 12 and above |
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Popular Science Lectures | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology | ALL |
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Structure-based design of anti-coronavirus drugs | Institute of Biological Chemistry | ALL |
11/06 10:00-11/06 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Climate Change and Biodiversity Forum | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
11/06 10:00-11/06 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The World of the Late Shang Dynasty: Yinxu, Neighboring Peoples and Mutual Networks | Institute of History and Philology | Age 15 and above |
11/06 10:00-11/06 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Strategic Voting Revisited: The Case of the 2018 Taipei City Mayoral Election | Institute of Political Science | Age 15 and above |
11/06 10:10-11/06 12:00 | Watch online | Display of Research Achievements | CFDA in TREC CAsT: Research on Conversational Search Systems | Research Center for Information Technology Innovation | Age 12 and above |
11/06 10:30-11/06 11:30 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Quantum Electronics Lab (Dr. Chii-Dong Chen) | Institute of Physics | Age 12 and above |
11/06 10:30-11/06 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The 2021 Academia Sinica Open House Keynote Speeches: Reflections on COVID-19-Sociology | Secretariat | Age 12 and above |
11/06 11:00-11/06 11:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Quantum entanglement and teleportation | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 11:30-11/06 12:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Poster session of the atomic physics and optical science group | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 13:00-11/06 14:00 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Surface and NanoScience Lab (Dr. Chia-Seng Chang ) | Institute of Physics | Age 12 and above |
11/06 13:00-11/06 14:00 | Watch online | Interactive Experience | Talk to the researchers – poster presentation of the achievements of bio-analytical technology @Gather town | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 14:00-11/06 14:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Instrument Development of QMIA - Quantitative Mobile Immunoassay reader | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 14:30-11/06 15:30 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Soft Materials Structure and Rheology Laboratory (SMSR Lab) (Dr. Jung-Ren Huang) | Institute of Physics | Age 12 and above |
11/06 14:30-11/06 15:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Deep tissue imaging – Short-wave infrared imaging techniques | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 15:00-11/06 15:30 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | The fluorescence cell images and Ct value after COVID-19 infection | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/06 15:30-11/06 16:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Detection of cancer cells by fluorescent small molecules – a new technology for cancer diagnosis | Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Deep Ocean Circulation, Climate Change & Carbon Cycle | Institute of Earth Sciences | Age 12 and above |
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | Ask the Astronomers - Drs. Kai-Yang Lin & Min-Kai Lin | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 15 and above |
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Structure-based design of anti-coronavirus drugs | Institute of Biological Chemistry | ALL |
11/07 10:00-11/07 12:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Climate Change and Biodiversity Forum | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
11/07 10:00-11/07 11:00 | Watch online | Lectures & Symposiums | Online Introduction: Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP)-2 | Department of International Affairs | Age 15 and above |
11/07 14:00-11/07 14:40 | Watch online | Open House Visit | Open the King’s Arsenal | Museum of the Institute of History and Philology | Age 6 and above |
11/07 14:30-11/07 16:30 | Watch online | Film Presentations | Climate Change and Biodiversity Forum | Biodiversity Research Center | ALL |
11/07 16:00-11/07 17:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | Ask the Astronomers - Drs. Hsi-Wei Yen & Jia-Wei Wang | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 15 and above |
11/07 20:00-11/07 21:00 | Watch online | Other Activities | Ask the Astronomer - Exomoons! by Dr. Alex Teachey | Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Age 15 and above |