Watch online : 2021 Achievement Presenta
The Academia Sinica “Digital Archives and Digital Humanities Research Project” 2021 Research Expo will continue to be hosted on the Open Museum platform for the second year in a row. This year introduces a special online portal built with Gather Town social software, allowing your virtual avatar to visit the digital exhibition hall and recreate the feeling of actually strolling through the exhibits!
The 2021 Research Expo covers diverse subjects, including religion and folk beliefs, history, philology, archaeology, biology, geographic information systems, social networks, and information science. The online exhibits utilize Gather Town, the hot social software platform of this year’s pandemic, enabling users to freely walk through a virtual museum space, whether to quietly browse exhibits or share their impressions with other virtual visitors they encounter. Viewers will feel as if they are actually located in the physical exhibition and won’t be lonely on their online visit.