
Activity Recommendations

Explore Joint Library of Humanities and Social Sciences

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 15:30
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

Quiz of the Week: MIOE’s Online Exhibitions

Time10/28 09:00-10/29 14:00
Online Activity

Book Fairs:Calling in the Gleaners

Time10/28 09:30-10/29 17:00
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

And Then? The Ups and Downs in the Official Lives of Imperial Examination Graduates

Time10/28 10:00-11/10 00:00
Online Activity

Experience the Telephone Survey

Time10/29 10:30-10/29 15:20
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences

Workshop: Hawaiian Hula

Time10/29 11:00-10/29 14:00
Institute of Ethnology

Who gets the kid? The status of women and child custody outcomes upon divorce

Time10/29 11:10-10/29 12:40
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

An Introduction on Public Health and Economic Perspectives of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Time10/28 14:00-10/28 15:30
Online Activity