
Activity Recommendations

Quiz of the Week: MIOE’s Online Exhibitions

Time10/28 09:00-10/29 14:00
Online Activity

Online Exhibition of the Efforts of IHP Digital Collections

Time10/28 09:00-10/29 16:00
Online Activity

Guided Tour of Historical Relics and Special Exhibition at the Hu Shih Memorial Hall

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 16:00
Hu Shih Memorial Hall

Book Fairs:Calling in the Gleaners

Time10/28 09:30-10/29 17:00
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

Located Between Great Powers: History and Archaeology of the Wei State in a Geopolitical Perspective

Time10/29 11:00-10/29 12:00
Museum of the Institute of History and Philology

Who gets the kid? The status of women and child custody outcomes upon divorce

Time10/29 11:10-10/29 12:40
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

"Ocean. Farm. Our History" Lecture Series II

Time10/29 13:30-10/29 15:00
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

The Traces of Graduates from a Pass List of Imperial Examinations

Time10/29 15:00-10/29 15:30
Museum of the Institute of History and Philology