
Activity Recommendations

UVABC in Everyday Life

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 16:00
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

Introduction to Code-Based Cryptography

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 16:00
Online Activity

What is mass spectrometer? Can we know molecular structure from molecular weight?

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 15:30
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

Is origin of life from outer space?

Time10/29 09:30-10/29 09:45
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

Lab Tours (Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre, ASGC)

Time10/29 09:30-10/29 14:00
Institute of Physics

Lab Tours (Quantum Electronics Lab)

Time10/29 10:00-10/29 14:30
Institute of Physics

Ocean: Science, Green Energy, and Blue Carbon

Time10/28 10:00-10/28 11:00
Online Activity

Popular Science Lectures (I) : Understanding and generation of audio-visual multimedia content with deep learning

Time10/29 10:00-10/29 10:40
Online Activity