In this decay, many countries have successively executed national quantum technologies programmes. Taiwan recently also proposes and executes a national quantum technologies programme. Although these countries have slightly different programme plans, they all mainly focused on three topics which are quantum sensing, quantum communication, and quantum computing. This talk will introduce what are these quantum applications. Then, it will discuss why we need these three quantum technologies and how they will influence our future. In order to develop these quantum technologies, it needs corresponding quantum components and devices. Compared to the current existing classical counterparts, the required properties of the physics system and operation scheme of quantum devices are very different. Thus, it needs completely new, different physics system to accomplish these three quantum applications. The nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond is one of the potential candidates. The second part of this talk will explain how this defect can realise these three quantum applications and the advantage of the defect in these three quantum applications. This talk will be given in English.
Activity Information
Prof. Yu-Chen Chen
10/21 11:00 - 11:40
Interdisciplinary Research Building for Science and Technology
B106 Auditorium, 1F, IRBST, Academia Sinica
Activity Classification
Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Lectures & Symposiums
Target Audience
Chia-I Chou
This talk will be given in English.