
Activity Recommendations

What are Quantum Technologies? Why Diamonds?

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 09:30
Interdisciplinary Research Building for Science and Technology

Molecular vibrations and the greenhouse effect

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 16:00
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

Observing Sunspots

Time10/29 09:00-10/29 15:00
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

New advances in seismic observation(in Chinese)

Time10/28 10:00-10/31 00:00
Online Activity

Photochemical cause of the ozone hole

Time10/29 10:30-10/29 10:45
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)

Dark Matter in the Universe -- as a Case Study on Scientific Investigation Methods

Time10/29 10:30-10/29 11:30
Institute of Physics

Phosphor–The Color Magician In Life

Time10/29 10:40-10/29 11:10
Interdisciplinary Research Building for Science and Technology

Don't run, criminal molecules! I have got you!

Time10/29 13:30-10/29 13:45
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB)