Date & Time: 10/29 (六), 11:00AM~12:00PM
Venue: ICOB, 1F, Auditorium/Webex
Speaker: Dr. Jyh-Yih Chen
Title: Research and Development of Antimicrobial Peptides for Aquaculture and Agriculture
Meeting Room Number: 2519 204 5347
Password: 1029
Antibiotics have been widely utilized to treat pathogenic infections since their discovery.
However, significant reductions in antibiotic potency have been caused by factors like microbial mutation and improper dosing. As such, the rise of multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria poses a great threat to the antimicrobial potency of antibiotics used in clinical practice.
In recent years, the relative lack of novel antimicrobial candidates in the drug discovery pipeline and the accelerated rise of MDR pathogens have combined to cause detrimental effects on populations around the world.
In this regard, endogenous peptides or physiological antimicrobial peptides can be a be a potential solution.These molecules are scattered across the entire spectrum of species and counter pathogenic infections. They are biocompatible, target-oriented molecules with tunable drawbacks.
Therefore, we propose to develop a series of peptide-based antimicrobials for clinical application and agriculture.