Why do we study model organisms?
This interactive display addresses why we study model organisms by showing examples of how and why
the animals are used in ICOB. An information board shows different applications for several specific
model organisms used by investigators in our institute (e.g., sea worms, cockroaches, fruit flies,
zebrafish, mice). Pictures of the organisms, a phyologenetic tree, and areas of study for each
animal are shown. In addition, there are paper folding activities and simple puzzles to help
students learn and practice English vocabulary related to the research categories in ICOB (evolution
and developmental biology, neuroscience, stem cells and regenerative medicine, and cellular
function/dysfunction). The table will be attended by a native English speaker (Dr. Calkins) and
bilingual Taiwanese volunteers from ICOB. People of all ages are encouraged to attend. Younger
students may be interested in some aspects of the display, such as the pictures of animals and paper
folding. Older students and adults may be interested to think about which organism is best to study
when asking certain questions.