1. Broccoli phloem sap collection: What is phloem sap?
2. Tomato-benthamiasna heterografting: How to make a Frankenstein plant. Appointment is required.(1. 9:30-10:30; 2. 11:00-12:00; 3. 1:00-2:00; 4. 2:30-3:30).
3. Fluorescent-based live-cell mRNA imaging: Seeing is believing.
4. Lab members to introduce experiments/exhibition activity :
1. Dr. Tien-Hsin Yu
2. Dr. Nien-Chen Huang
3. Dr. Kai-Ren Luo
4. Hsueh-Huei Chen
5. Yu-Hsien Chang
6. Yu Wu
˙7. Huan-Chi Tien
8. Po-Yu Yang